01-10-2015, 07:45 PM
<!--Kod Dostu Sayfa İçi Arama Formu START-->
<!-- Hide from old browsers
* Find In Page Script -- Submitted/revised by Alan Koontz (alankoontz@REMOVETHISyahoo.com)
* Visit Kod Dostu (http://siteneeklekodlari.blogspot.com) for full source code
* "Sayfa İçi Arama Kutusu" by Kod Dostu
* This notice must stay intact for use
var TRange = null;
var dupeRange = null;
var TestRange = null;
var win = null;
var nom = navigator.appName.toLowerCase();
var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var is_major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var is_minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
var is_ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
var is_ie4up = (is_ie && (is_major >= 4));
var is_not_moz = (agt.indexOf('netscape')!=-1)
var is_nav = (nom.indexOf('netscape')!=-1);
var is_nav4 = (is_nav && (is_major == 4));
var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);
var is_gecko = (agt.indexOf('gecko') != -1);
var is_opera = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1);
var is_rev=0
if (is_gecko) {
temp = agt.split("rv:")
is_rev = parseFloat(temp[1])
var frametosearch = self;
function search(whichform, whichframe) {
if (is_ie4up && is_mac) return;
if (is_gecko && (is_rev <1)) return;
if (is_opera) return;
if(whichform.findthis.value!=null && whichform.findthis.value!='') {
str = whichform.findthis.value;
win = whichframe;
var frameval=false;
win = parent.frames[whichframe];
else return; // i.e., no search string was entered
var strFound;
if(is_nav4 && (is_minor < 5)) {
strFound=win.find(str); // case insensitive, forward search by default
if (is_gecko && (is_rev >= 1)) {
if(frameval!=false) win.focus(); // force search in specified child frame
strFound=win.find(str, false, false, true, false, frameval, false);
// The following statement enables reversion of focus
// back to the search box after each search event
// allowing the user to press the ENTER key instead
// of clicking the search button to continue search.
// Note: tends to be buggy in Mozilla as of 1.3.1
// (see www.mozilla.org) so is excluded from users
// of that browser.
if (is_not_moz) whichform.findthis.focus();
if (is_ie4up) {
if (TRange!=null) {
if (dupeRange.inRange(TestRange)) {
if (strFound) {
//the following line added by Mike and Susan Keenan, 7 June 2003
win.document.body.scrollTop = win.document.body.scrollTop + TRange.offsetTop;
else {
if (strFound) {
//the following line added by Mike and Susan Keenan, 7 June 2003
win.document.body.scrollTop = TRange.offsetTop;
if (TRange==null || strFound==0) {
dupeRange = TRange.duplicate();
if (strFound) {
//the following line added by Mike and Susan Keenan, 7 June 2003
win.document.body.scrollTop = TRange.offsetTop;
if (!strFound) alert ("Bu Sayfada hiç '"+str+"' terimi bulunamadı!")
// -->
<form name="koddostuaramaformu" onSubmit="search(document.koddostuaramaformu, frametosearch); return false"><input type="text" name="findthis" size="15" title="Kod Dostu Sayfa İçi Arama Formu"> <input type="submit" value="Bu Sayfada Ara" ACCESSKEY="s"></form>
<!--Kod Dostu Sayfa İçi Arama Formu STOP-->